The class


We start out at 1 with tea/coffee and a little something to eat, then straight into baking. We have a small range of classes but a strong depth of knowledge surrounding them, well one day I said to myself [making baguettes] ‘I could probably do this in my sleep, wait, I do do this in my sleep’ (I work long and hard).   Groups are small – the space only fits ten – and everyone is welcome to taste, touch, and help as they feel comfortable. 


Everyone approaches baking differently, some think of it as an art – the alchemy of transforming hard chocolate into soft voluptuous mousse – while some see a science – you follow this recipe at this ratio and temperature, and this result follows…or does it. And others think they Can’t. (legitimate start, but come along and try). Me, I’m a confident baker, that helps, but confidence comes from somewhere, and that’s normally experience and knowledge. I can share quite a bit of that with you, giving you basic techniques which apply across different types of breads/cakes/pastries, for example how to use different types of yeasts and flours in the bread class, the advantages of the different ways of amalgamating butter into pastry in the pastry class and so on. 


We finish around 5 with a cup of tea or coffee and sit and talk, reflecting on what we’ve been through together, while we enjoy some of what we’ve baked, then you leave with some more of our baking, the recipes, and a better understanding of the techniques around the art and science of baking. 


Included in the class


  • tea/coffee and a snack on arrival
  • folder with recipes and notes
  • Carême apron to wear for the afternoon
  • tea/coffee and some of the baking, to enjoy at the end of the class
  • more baking to take home



Useful Information


  • the bakery is at 7 Jellicoe Street, opposite the Pain & Kershaw entrance
  • we’re in a working kitchen, please respect that and don’t touch any of the other equipment without asking – some is dangerous
  • covered shoes to be worn in the kitchen
  • if you have a gift voucher up to number 856, you can use it for two people (!) Plus, you get preference if there’s a scrabble for places
  • we can help with accommodation, or check .
  • if you can’t make it on the day, consider sending a substitute. We can’t normally offer transfers or refunds.